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Bulunan: 1.537 Adet 0.010 sn
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Süresiz Ambargo

Oxidative Stress and Heavy Metal Levels of Pholiota limonella Mushroom Collected from Different Regions

Ali İmran Korkmaz

Background: The objective of the present study is to determine and compare TAS (Total Antioxidant Status), TOS (Total Oxidant Status) and OSI (Oxidative Stress Index) and heavy metal content (Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and Ni) in Pholiota limonella (Peck) Sacc. mushroom samples collected from Balikesir (Kaz Mountain National Park) and Yalova (Cinarcik, Hasan Baba Picnic Area) provinces. Methods: Mushroom TAS, TOS and OSI values were determined using Rel Assay Diagnostics kits. Heavy metal content was determined using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results: As a result of the studies, TAS values i ...Daha fazlası


Murat Akkuş

Bu çalışmada 18. Yüzyılda 1703-1780 yılları arasında yaşamış, Türkçe, Arapça ve Farsça olmak üzere üç dilde birçok eser vermiş, Tillo’nun yetiştirmiş olduğu çok yönlü, büyük İslâm âlimlerinden Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı’nın (ö. 1194/1780) Tecvîdü’l-Ḳur’ân bi Lisâni’l-‘Arabî isimli risalesi ele alınmıştır. Harflerin mahreç ve sıfatlarına uymak suretiyle Kur’ân’ın güzel okunmasını öğreten tecvid ilmiyle ilgili olan risalenin Türkiye kütüphanelerinde tespit edilen sekiz adet el yazma nüshası bulunmaktadır. Nüshalardan üçü Erzurum’da yazılan Mecmû‘atü’l-me‘ânî’de, üçü ‘Urvetü’l-İslâm’da biri de Mecmû ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Study on determination of bioactive potentials of certain lichens

Ali İmran Korkmaz

Lichens are symbiotic associations that are formed by fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. The number of lichen species investigated pharmaceutically is still very low at present. The present study aims to determine the antioxidant activities, antibacterial activities, DNA protective activities, and oxidative stress status of Bryoria fuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., Parmelina tiliacea (Hoffm.) Hale, and Umbilicaria decussata (Vill.) Zahlbr. Lichens were extracted with ethanol in the Soxhlet device. The DPPH method was used to determine antioxidant activities. DNA protective activity was de ...Daha fazlası

The Ni-deposited carbon felt as substrate for preparation of Pt-modified electrocatalysts: Application for alkaline water electrolysis

Ali Döner

A Ni-modified carbon felt (C) electrode (C/Ni) was used as a substrate for preparation of Ptmodified electrode in view of its possible application as electrocatalytic material for the hydrogen evolution activity. The prepared electrode was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques. The hydrogen evolution activity of the electrode was assessed by cathodic currentepotential curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. It was found that the modification of Ni-deposited C by loading ...Daha fazlası

Electrocatalytic behavior of the Pd-modified electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution

Ali Döner

The hydrogen evolution behavior of C/CoSn, C/CoSnZn and C/CoSnZnePd catalysts which were prepared on a graphite substrate (C) by electrochemical deposition, as well as their electrochemical properties in the KOH solutions, have been investigated by the polarization measurements, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrolysis techniques. C/CoSnZn catalyst was etched in caustic to leach out zinc and to produce the Raney-type, porous electrocatalytic surface for hydrogen evolution. In order to further improve the catalytic activity of the C/CoSnZn catalyst for t ...Daha fazlası

NiMn composite electrodes as cathode material for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline solution

Ali Döner

NiMn composite catalysts (C/NiMn, C/NiMnZn, C/NiMnZnePtRu and C/NiMnZnePtPd) have been prepared on the graphite substrate (C) by electrochemical deposition as electrocatalytic materials for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The NiMnZn coatings were etched in a concentrated alkaline solution (30% NaOH) to produce a porous and electrocatalytic surface suitable for the HER. After the leaching process, a low amount of binary PtPd and PtRu were deposited onto the etched NiMnZn deposit in order to improve the catalytic activity for the HER. Surface morphology and composition of the catalysts were a ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Kahramanmaraş ili atmosferik fungus sporlarının belirlenmesi ve volümetrik analizleri

Ali İmran Korkmaz

Bu çalışmada, Kahramanmaraş atmosferinde yer alan fungus sporları Ocak 2014-Aralık 2015 tarihleri arasında Hirst tipi örnekleyici ile toplanmıştır. 2014-2015 yılı içerisinde atmosferde yer alan sporların ait oldukları taksonlar ve konsantrasyonları saptanmıştır. Ayrıca tespit edilen fungus sporlarının meteorolojik faktörler (sıcaklık, yağış, nem ve rüzgâr) ile ilişkileri belirlenmiştir. 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında Kahramanmaraş atmosferinde Ascomycota divizyosuna ait 46 takson ve tek septalı askosporlar, Basidiomycota divizyosuna ait 12 takson, Oomycota divizyosuna ait 1 takson, Myxogastria sporla ...Daha fazlası

Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on Ru deposited NiZn catalyst at graphite in alkaline medium

Ali Döner

tThe methanol oxidation on C/NiZn-Ru electrode in a 1.00 M KOH and 1.00 M KOH + 1.00 M methanolsolutions at different scan rates and temperatures was studied by the cyclic voltammetry (CV), electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and chronoamperometry (CA) techniques. The graphite electrodeis coated in a nickel–zinc bath by electrodeposition for use as anode materials for methanol oxidationin alkaline solutions. It is etched in a concentrated alkaline solution to produce a porous and electrocat-alytic surface suitable for use in the methanol oxidation (C/NiZn). Ruthenium was electrodepos ...Daha fazlası