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YüksekokullarGaziantep İslam Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Implementing Innovative Lean Educational Method to Enhance English Language Achievement

Vasıf Karagücük

Purpose: To our knowledge, the present study is the first experimental example of the application of innovative Lean Educational Method (LEM) in middle school English classes in Turkey. How to learn and teach foreign languages has become the preoccupation of teachers, researchers, educational authorities, parents, and students. All of the stakeholders in the education processes want to satisfy the learning needs of the students ideally. As a result of the relevant efforts, many teaching methods emerged in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). In this regard, this study primarily aims t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Is Artificial Intelligence against/for Better Ethical Scientific Research?

Huriye Yaşar | Vasıf Karagücük

Artificial intelligence has become a highly debated topic globally. Its impact and the changes it brings in every field prompt a reassessment of the human factor's contribution. This study aims to examine the use of artificial intelligence for academic purposes for researchers. In the study, ethical concerns about the use of artificial intelligence in scientific research are explained descriptively. Various studies and opinions regarding this matter in the literature have been examined. While artificial intelligence has become a part of everyday life and a reality, it cannot be separated from ...Daha fazlası

Translanguaging Practices Shaping Domestic Human Interactions: A Case of a Turkish Bilingual Family

Vildan İnci Kavak | Duygu Evis

The advancements in communication, transportation and education has led humans to encounter a variety of languages on a daily basis, resulting in a more diverse and enriching linguistic experience in the modern world. This phenomenon has significant implications for the construction of identities, social interactions and language skills, from which the translanguaging theory emerged as a groundbreaking approach to the study of bilingualism and multilingualism. The theory proposes that communication transcends the limitations of named languages (Li Wei, 2011). It maintains that humans employ no ...Daha fazlası

Using ChatGPT as an Automated Essay Scorer

Vasıf Karagücük

Artificial Intelligence is changing the world at an unstoppable pace. Artificial intelligence tools are assistants, contributing to all fields in their work and daily lives. In educational settings, educators have started to use them to reduce their workload including documenting, developing materials, producing texts, assessing, and preparing exams, presentation, material, and curriculum development. All in all, artificial intelligence can be used in every step and part of education by educators. Similarly, they can be used by students in all those steps and parts of their learning processes. ...Daha fazlası


Murat Akkuş

Bu çalışmada 18. Yüzyılda 1703-1780 yılları arasında yaşamış, Türkçe, Arapça ve Farsça olmak üzere üç dilde birçok eser vermiş, Tillo’nun yetiştirmiş olduğu çok yönlü, büyük İslâm âlimlerinden Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı’nın (ö. 1194/1780) Tecvîdü’l-Ḳur’ân bi Lisâni’l-‘Arabî isimli risalesi ele alınmıştır. Harflerin mahreç ve sıfatlarına uymak suretiyle Kur’ân’ın güzel okunmasını öğreten tecvid ilmiyle ilgili olan risalenin Türkiye kütüphanelerinde tespit edilen sekiz adet el yazma nüshası bulunmaktadır. Nüshalardan üçü Erzurum’da yazılan Mecmû‘atü’l-me‘ânî’de, üçü ‘Urvetü’l-İslâm’da biri de Mecmû ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Use of ChatGPT in Language Education

Vildan İnci Kavak | Duygu Evis | Abdurrahim Ekinci

This study explores the multifaceted role of ChatGPT, an AI language model, in language teaching and learning contexts. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of literature and empirical studies, the benefits and disadvantages of integrating ChatGPT into language education are examined. Findings reveal that ChatGPT offers personalized feedback, facilitates customized lesson planning, and enhances language proficiency through individualized learning experiences. However, concerns regarding misinformation, lack of human connection, and ethical implications necessitate careful consideration. Implica ...Daha fazlası

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Bahâüddîn el-Âmilî'nin el-Fevaidü's-Samediyye fi İlmi'l-'Arabiyye Adlı Eserinin Tahkiki

İÇINDEKILER ÖN SÖZ _____________________________________________________________ 7 GİRİŞ ________________________________________________________________ 9 BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM: BAHÂUDDÎN EL-ÂMİLÎ VE EL-FEVÂİDÜ’S-SAMEDİYYE Fi İLMİ’L-‘ARABİYYE ADLI ESERİ___________________________ 12 1.1 HAYATI.........................................................................................................................13 1.2. HOCALARI............................................................................................................13 1.3. ÖĞRENCİLERİ..................................... ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık


Vasıf Karagücük

The present study is the first experimental example of the application of innovative Lean Educational Method in middle school English classes in Turkey. How to learn and teach foreign languages has become the preoccupation of teachers, researchers, educational authorities, parents, and the students. All of the stakeholders in the education processes want to meet the learning needs of the students ideally. As a result of the relevant efforts, many teaching methods emerged in the field of ELT. In other words, related methods and techniques have caused uncountable changes on how to teach and lear ...Daha fazlası