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Poly N-Aminorodaninin Elektrokimyasal Sentezi Ve Karakterizasyonu

Ali Döner

Bu çalışmada, Poly-N-aminorodanin (pNAR) platin elektrot yüzeyine dönüşümlü voltametri tekniği kullanılarak sentezlenmiştir. pNAR’nin pembe renkli ve homojen yapıda olduğu tespit edilmiştir. pNAR’ın kimyasal yapısı ve oluşum mekanizması 13C-NMR, FT-Infrared spektrumları ve enerji dağılımlı X-ışını spektroskopisi (EDX) ile belirlenmiştir. pNAR’ın termal özellikleri termogravimetrik analiz (TGA), diferansiyel termal analiz ve diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetri (DSC) teknikleri kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Polimer filmin termal dayanıklılığını yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Polimer filmin yüzey morfo ...Daha fazlası

Preparation, characterization and application of alkaline leached CuNiZn ternary coatings for long-term electrolysis in alkaline solution

Ali Döner

The NiCuZn ternary coating was electrochemically deposited on a copper electrode. Then, it was etched in a concentrated alkaline solution (30% NaOH) to produce a porous and electrocatalytic surface suitable for use in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The surface composition of coating before and after alkaline leaching was determined by energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The surface morphologies were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The long-term stability of electrode prepared for alkaline water electrolysis was investigated in 1 M KOH solution with the help of c ...Daha fazlası

The Inhibition Effect of N-Aminorhodanine on Copper Electrode in Acidic Media

Ali Döner

Copper is widely used in various types of industrial and microeleetronic applications due to its good thermal and electrical conductivity, mechanical workability, relatively noble properties, etc, [1, 2]. The chemical cleaning treatments are usually used to remove undesirable rust, oxides, corrosion products so on. Additionally, some copper based systems should be regularly cleaned due to participation of carbonates or oxides diminish their thermal or electrical conductivities [3]. Sulphuric acid solution is one of the most commonly used chemical cleaning reagents. Unfortunately, the cleaned s ...Daha fazlası

Experimental and theoretical studies of thiazoles as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in sulphuric acid solution

Ali Döner

The inhibition effects of 2-amino-5-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (2A5MT) and 2-mercaptothiazoline (2MT) on mild steel corrosion in 1.0 M H2SO4 were studied with potentiodynamic polarization, linear polarization resistance and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques. It was shown that both 2A5MT and 2MT act as good corrosion inhibitors for mild steel protection. The high inhibition efficiencies were attributed to the simple blocking effect by adsorption of inhibitor molecules on the steel surface. The effects of the presence of extra NH2 group and N atom in 2A5MT on the ability to act a ...Daha fazlası

The Investigation of Corrosion Behaviour of Cu/NiFeZn Electrode That is Used for Hydrogen Gas Production by Electrolysis

Ali Döner

In this study, a thin NiFeZn layer was electrochemically coated on a copper surface (Cu/NiFeZn) from a specially prepared bath solution. The electrode prepared was exposed to 30 % NaOH solution and more active Zn was dissolved from the surface. In this way, the surface of electrode was increased and an electrode with high efficiency as cathode material for electrochemical hydrogen gas production was obtained. The change of corrosion resistance of Cu/NiFeZn electrode that is used in alkaline water electrolysis was investigated during the alkaline water electrolysis. For this purpose, electroche ...Daha fazlası

Enhancement of electrochemical activity of Raney-type NiZn coatings by modifying with PtRu binary deposits: Application for alkaline water electrolysis

Ali Döner

This study presents electrochemical preparation and characterization of PtRu-modified Cu/ Ni/NiZn electrodes (Cu/Ni/NiZnePtRu) as cathode materials for alkaline water electrolysis. The electrodes were characterized using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Their electrochemical activities as cathode materials for alkaline water electrolysis were evaluated with the help of currentepotential curves. The results showed that the PtRu-modified layers have porous structures with relatively low Pt and Ru chemical compo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Karkamış Sulak Alanının (Gaziantep-Türkiye) Biyolojik Çeşitliliği

Ergün Özuslu

Karkamış sulak alanı, uygun iklim koşulları, zengin besin varlığı ve farklı ekolojik karakterdeki habitatlarıyla Ülkemizin zengin yaban hayatına sahip sulak alanlarından birisidir. Bu çalışma 2005-2008 yılları arasında Karkamış Sulak Alanında yapılmıştır. Alandan başta tohumlu bitkiler olmak üzere canlı örnekleri toplanmış, elde edilen sonuçlar mevcut çalışmalarla birleştirilerek alanın biyolojik çeşitliliği ortaya konmuştur. Buna göre; alandan bugüne kadar toplam 813 bitki, 46 sürüngen ve çift yaşamlı, 13 balık, 6 kelebek, 57 örümcek, 11 memeli ve 110 kuş taksonu tespit edildiği görülmüştür. ...Daha fazlası

The Use of Ni Coatings For Alkaline Water Electrolysis

Ali Döner

In this study, the Ni was electrochemically coated on a copper electrode at different deposition current densities and thicknesses. Electrodeposited coatings were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy techniques. Electrocatalytic activity of the coatings for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) was studied in 1 M KOH solution using cathodic current-potential curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electrolysis techniques. It was found that, the nickel coated copper electrodes can enhance the electrocatalytic activity for the hydro ...Daha fazlası

Alkali olarak uzaklaştırılmış elektrokatalizörlerde hidrojen davranışının araştırılması

Ali Döner

Hidrojen çıkış reaksiyonunda kullanılan (HER) etkili üçlü elektrokatalizörler büyük ölçekli suyun ayrıştırılması sistemi için geliştirilmelidir. Burada, hidrojen çıkış reaksiyonu dört tip üçlü kobalt bazlı elektrokatalizörler üzerinde, 1 M KOH çözeltisi içerisinde oda koşullarında araştırılmıştır. Üçlü elektrokatalizörler grafit yüzeyinde elektrokimyasal çöktürme ile hazırlanmıştır. Elektrot hazırlamadan sonra, aktif çinkonun bir kısmı kaplamadan uzaklaştırıldı ve gözenekli yüzey elde edildi. Son olarak, katalitik aktiviteyi arttırmak için çinko uzaklaştırılmış elektrotlar üzerine çok az mikta ...Daha fazlası